Sunday, June 15, 2008

Empowering others to ruin your day by reacting

I am writing this post in addition to my earlier post Garbage Trucks Psychology. I was thinking about this theory and have realized the simple fact when you are getting angry because of someone’s action; you are actually empowering the other person to be able to affect you.

As they rightly say that no one can disturb you without your own consent. Whenever you react on someone’s action/words that’s precisely what you do; you give him/her your own consent to disturb you.

It’s such a loser attitude to let someone else rule your life; to let someone else decide for your mood; to give away your mood, time and day to someone else.
So what should we do if someone is trying to ruin your happiness????
Maintain that calm and composed posture of yours. DON’T REACT. You be happy irrespective of what’s happening around you. This way not only you are in full control of your day but also you are sending this clear message to the other person – “Dude!!! I give a damn what you do; try as hard as you want you just can’t change a thing in my life”

Not reacting is the best answer you can give to people who want to hurt you.

Well that's my personal opinion from my experience.

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