Friday, May 23, 2008

Fokat ka Advice

There is this colleague cum friend of mine; who loves to give fokat ka advice and maintains a blog as well.

He is a happy go lucky person, I have never seen him agitated, angry, depressed, worried or sad. I have never heard him saying anything bad about anyone or cribbing about anything. He has no friends and no enemies and he is always very busy with himself without worrying about anyone or anything at all.

I keep on wondering, how can someone be like this? How can someone lead such an emotionless life? I mean you got to be attached to someone; you got to be angry with someone; you got to be feeling bad about something. How can you be giggling all the time?

I could not resist the temptation and finally one day I asked him; what’s the reason; why he is like that?He gave me the following mantras that he follows very religiously to be like what he is:

a) No Expectation policy

Have no expectation from any one – personal or professional. Don’t expect anything even from your parents. Accept the fact that everyone has his/her own life and no one has any time for you. The root cause of feeling bad most of the times is that someone failed to match your expectation. Having no expectation not only will save you from many misunderstanding; it will also give you exponential happiness when someone will do anything for you as you would have never expected that.

b) Be an extremist

Either believe in GOD or don’t believe in HIM at all. Don’t believe half heartedly. Either take complete control of your life and don’t expect anything from HIM at all or leave everything on HIM and stop worrying. It does not mean that you should stop making efforts but stop reacting on results. As you believe that nothing is in your control and the best thing you can do is to put in best efforts; then you will do just that and stay happy.

c) Chose an ideal and start behaving like that

Most of the times we are sad because we want to achieve something or we want to be like someone and we are far away from our goal. Start behaving like the person you want to be 6 months down the line today. This will keep you motivated to reach your goal faster and keep you confident today.

d) Work on yourself

Keep on working on yourself all the time – personally and professionally. The more you groom yourself the more you are accepted by other people and the more confident you feel about yourself. It’s a great self booster when you are accepted and appreciated by people around.So these 4 rules are his mantras to lead a happy and emotionless (read negative emotion) life. I am not sure how much is practical to adopt in life but yes I agree with all the points and I am going to work on them for sure.

Have written this post to pass on the fokat ki advice ;)

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