Sunday, May 25, 2008

Life is all about avoiding Cs

Confused??? :)
Yeah but its true; in order to lead a happy and fulfilling life; you have to avoid 3Cs in your life!!
They are:
a) Comparison
b) Complaining
c) Criticism

We are living in the competitive world today and our professional life is actually a rat race out there.
I am not sad because I have not bought a house for myself. May be I never felt the need for it as I want to be mobile for some more years; but it irks me a lot that most of my batchmates have already bought a house and only I am left.
I am ok with my raise but my colleague got more than me; I am equally qualified and experienced then why the disparity?
Why the hell I don’t have the killer looks that the other person have?
Sounds Familiar!!!!! :)
Trust me you are not the only one!!!!
Every person is a GOD’s unique creation with his/her own positives and negatives. Each one of us keeps on contributing to the universe all the time in our own unique way. Each one of us leads our lives in our own unique way irrespective of the fact how our relatives, friends and colleagues are leading.
Whenever we compare ourselves or our life with any one else; we don’t only insult ourselves but somewhere we challenge GOD’s creation and GOD’s decision for us. If you can follow the mantra – whatever happens; happens for good and GOD has some special plan for you and try to see the positive side of it; then nothing in this world can make you unhappy!!!!!
Feel special all the time because you truly are. If in doubt; ask your mother; how special you are and all your doubts will be gone :)
The only healthy comparison that I know of is - comparing how you are doing today Vs How were you doing yesterday?

Here; I would let Jack Welch do all the talking. As per his famous quote:
“Never Moan, Don’t be a victim. Either raise hell and change the game or get out of there.” – Jack Welch
Here again I will take most common example; couple of us keep on complaining about our respective jobs. The more we complain the more our brain register that the job in hand is not good. Simple logic – the more we talk; the more we think and eventually the more we believe. Our thoughts and words together will create so much of negative effect on our minds that we will stop appreciating interesting parts of our job as well.
So; either raise hell and get your profile / role (or whatever is troubling you) changed or quit the job and join somewhere else. But for your own sake’ don’t make complaining your daily routine. This holds true for any complaining routine that we might have.
Complaining obviously don’t help the situation but drain out all the positive energy from you. I am not sure whether you have noticed or not but you ought to feel weak and stressed after a long cribbing / complaining session. That’s because you tend to get angry; use bad words and get stressed while cribbing for something and these actions suck all your positive energy from your body.

Here I am talking about criticizing a person for the heck of it; I am not talking about the constructive feedback at all.
The most common example is whenever we criticize unnecessary when we discuss movies and bollywood stars. We don’t take it as just another entertainment service and attach our emotions with them. The ones we don’t like we criticize them whole heartedly. The ones we are criticizing is not even aware of it and is unaffected by it and we have ended up not only spending our precious time but we have converted our valuable positive energy into negative energy.
It’s good to give critical feedback to the person who is related to you; that’s how you can grow your team, your friends, and your family. Criticizing someone; who is not even related to you and becoming emotional about it; is a total waste of time and energy.
We don’t realize but every negative thought, word and action keeps on registering in our mind and start reflecting in our behavior and it has a very long term effect on us. By being nice to people we are not doing any favor to anyone; we are doing a big favor to ourselves. We are creating a very positive life and environment around us.
The way you behave; The way you think; The way you treat others– everything is inter-related and finally decides your life at large.

If suddenly you are feeling depressed without any reason; understand it’s the negative energy at work that you might have accumulated for some period of time.

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