Thursday, July 31, 2008

Food Shortage - Very Striking

Worldwide survey was conducted by the UN. The only question asked was:

"Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?"

The survey was a huge failure, In Africa they didn't know what 'food' meant, In India they didn't know what 'honest' meant, In Europe they didn't know what 'shortage' meant, In China they didn't know what 'opinion' meant, In the Middle East they didn't know what 'solution' meant, In South America they didn't know what 'please' meant, And in the USA they didn't know what 'the rest of the world' meant!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Make a Wish!

I have received this mail from Hirav himself and I know him for quite some time now and have no reason to distrust him; so I am posting him mail on my blog. He claims that this small ritual makes your wish come true and many Americans have tried it already and the success rate was 80%. I have not tried it myself - if any one of you try this; please let me know about your experience.

Most Popular, very effective remedy by
HIRAV SHAH – Celebrity Astrologer - Research Professional
for each kind of general problems like business, job, love, marriage, education, health, baby issue, immigrations etc.

This valuable remedy is possible only on Thursday morning 6-30am.

1) On Thursday after taking bath before 6:20am, take blank A4 size whitepaper with red pen at sharp 6:30 am.
2) Write down below info about your problem on the middle of page

Name :

For example,

Name : ABC
Problem: Since last 10 years, I am struggling in my business & not getting desire result
Wish: I want success in my business with good profit margin which can give me financial peace level.

Imp Note: Don’t try it more then one problem per family till 6 months

3) After writing your problem on paper, fold your paper & place it into temple as per below instructions
1. First fold it from bottom to top then left to right.........fold it alternate way 6 times....
2. Put that folded paper at your temple or where you placed your God at home.
3. While putting that paper in front of GOD, try to speak your problem and wish in your mind.
4. Don't forget to finish this whole process of presenting your problem/wish to
GOD before 6:40am.
4) After putting your paper in front of GOD, buy 2 bananas and give it to one of your family members before 9 am and tell them to eat it before 9 am same day.
- Also while giving bananas, speak about your problem and wish in your mind..........
5) See the amazing result of this remedy by having your problem resolved as per your wish
in 6 days,6 weeks,6 months...etc

All the best for your solution......God Bless U all………………

Note: If you find with your own experience this remedy is real effective for your case, please don't forget to share/circulate your experience to your friends & relatives by circulating this valuable remedy for their well being.
If you have any query/concern for this remedy,

Hirav Shah
BE Electronics,Business Management,
Chess(National Player),Music(Graduate in Tabla)
Volleyball(Qualified National Player) ,SAP-Certified

Astrological Research Professional (USA)
cell# 551-689-5323(USA)

Linkedin Profile id :
For Orkut users

Friday, July 18, 2008

The three Mistakes of my Life

So finally I got hold of Chetan Bhagat’s latest book and finished it on the same day. He continues to have his charisma of storey telling in this book as well. The description of Amdabad is so interesting that you almost feel like visiting the place. It has all the spices of life that every Indian love – Cricket, Love, friendship, Religion and Business. Still, you will find it is less gripping and entertaining than his earlier books because 1) you will feel you have read this in Five Point Someone 2) You will find the end rather abrupt.

Like his previous book, he has started the story again with himself giving a little peek in his life. He also buys the furniture with his wife in the same way all the other Indian husbands do.
This is a typical story of confusion that any boy from an Indian town will have - What to do with the career?; Parent pressurizing you to leave your hobbies for your studies; Father expecting his son to follow his profession and a big hoard of other people, problems and pressures. It’s about how they react, solve and live with those problems.

In this story, there are three boys – Govind, Ishan and Omi. They opened a sports shop in the temple complex with the help of Omi with three different objectives:

Govind – He is an ambitious businessman with a talent in mathematics and not much money. It was a natural choice for him to start a shop.
Ishan – He wanted to get away from the constant nagging of his father and moreover being in the shop means being closest to his first love – Cricket
Omi – He has no better option; he has to do what his friends are doing.

The shop did well and the boys planned to get some extra income by Govind giving coaching on Maths; Ishan training kids for Cricket and Omi giving physical training. Story keeps on moving around these friends with almost all the spices added to it.

There is a factual angle of the story; the author has roped in every major incident that happened in 2001 be it Gujrat Earthquack, Godra controversy, Kolkata cricket match between India and Australia and even the bombing on WTC towers.

There is a romantic angle of the story, to add spice to otherwise all boys story and their adventures, between Govind and Ishan’s sister Vidya.

There is a dramatic angle of story by the name, Ali, a miracle child with an unbelievable talent in cricket who hits sixes like you drink your tea. Ishan wanted Ali to get what he could not get and with the little money they earned from shop, they have to take Ali to Goa and even Australia just for the sake of Ishan. Boy; that’s some friendship!

There is a religious and political angle of the story describing the riots happened after Godra controversy.

Finally, there is an abrupt end to the story. All in all, it’s the story about all these incidents and the impact they have in the life of three young Indian boys and with a price of Rs. 95/- only; it’s worth buying.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Gandhi's Top 10 Fundamentals for Self Development

Though I am not a die hard fan of Gandhiji and don’t agree with all his principles. But I loved "Lage Raho Munnabhai" and agree with the philosophies filmed there. This particular article taken from Henrik Edberg’s book on Personal Development published on May, 2008 is lovely and had answered most of the doubts that I was having from the past few incidents so thought of posting it here.

Gandhi's Top 10 Fundamentals for Self Development

1. Change yourself.
'You must be the change you want to see in the world.'If you change yourself you will change your world.

2. You are in control.
'Nobody can hurt me without my permission.'What you feel and how you react to something is always up to you.

3. Forgive and let it go.
'The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.''An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.'

4. Without action you aren't going anywhere.
'An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.'Taking action is hard and difficult.You have to take action and translate the knowledge into results and understanding.

5. Take care of this moment.
'I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.'When you are in the present moment you don't worry about the next moment that you can't control anyway.

6. Everyone is human.
'I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.''It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.'
It's important to keep in mind that everyone is just a human being no matter who they are and that we are all human and prone to make mistakes. Be able to see with clarity where you went wrong and what you can learn from your mistake.

7. Persist.
'First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.'Be persistent. In time the opposition around you will fade and fall away.
Find what you really like to do. Then you'll find the inner motivation to keep going, going and going.

8. See the good in people and help them.
'I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won't presume to probe into the faults of others.''Leadership means getting along with people.'There is pretty much always something good in people. And things that may not be so good. But you can choose what things to focus on. And when you see the good in people it becomes easier to motivate yourself to be of service to them.

9 Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self.
'Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.''Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.'One of the best tips for improving your social skills is to behave in a congruent manner and communicate in an authentic way. People seem to really like authentic communication. And there is much inner enjoyment to be found when your thoughts, words and actions are aligned You feel powerful and good about yourself.

10. Continue to grow and evolve.
'Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.'You can pretty much always improve your skills, habits or re-evaluate your evaluations. You can gain deeper understanding of yourself and the world.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Qatil Song

I just loved this song - so practical and so true!!

It always happens; if you have broken off with someone it does hurt as much as it hurts to see that person happily going around with someone else. Especially if that someone is the reason of your break-off or if that is the person you hate the most.

Ideally, you should have nothing to do with the personal life of a person who is no more a part of your personal life. Like every other ideal situation this one is also very hard to achieve until and unless you also find someone to focus your mind. Then also it is equally hard to accept the person you loved so much in your life has gone to someone else's life and is not bothered about you. Remember, the restaurant scene of Pyaar ke Side Effects :)

Anyways, this is life and life doesn’t wait for anybody, it just moves on!!

Lord Hanuman

Hanuman ji is my favorite Bhagwan and I have made HIM my brother from the moment I was big enough to understand the meaning of brother. HE is so intelligent, brave and humble. HE is so naughty and at the same time so sincere. HE is so independent and at the same time so so obedient. HE is so powerful and at the same time so humble. HE is so intelligent and at the same time so impulsive. HE never stops amazing me and the best thing I like to sing all the time is Hanuman Chalisa.

I get so charged up while singing it; it just fills me with energy and confidence and I immediately feel like doing something great like HE did so many times. I simply love HIM and HE is the best :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008


She called up and finally said – “I am leaving you”. I am moving to a different city to start my career and that’s going to be my focus for sometime in my life. I have taken enough shit from you and I believe that’s it; I can’t take it any more, so, I am moving ahead in my life and would request you to do the same. She hanged the phone down.

He was in tears; too shocked to say anything – it was impossible to believe that this is actually happening to him. He always thought if at all anyone is going to leave the other person – it’s going to be him. How can she dump me? I am the one who is rich, smart, only son of influential parents, with a handsome salary and a promising career. She is nobody. She is just out of college with a pathetic job with no money and experience. She doesn’t even know how to survive alone. Had I not been with her; she could have never even scored the marks she did. It’s not fair; it’s not happening. She is lucky to have me; she can’t dump me; only I can dump her and I did not because I am a good guy. Still, she dumped me?

They met in the college and become friends immediately. Both of them were studious and only aim in their life at that time was to score good marks. Reason enough for a deadly competition and ideally they should have been competitors, hiding their notes from each other. Fortunately, they decided to turn the situation other way round and became best of friends for exchanging notes and sharing assignments. Their role nos. was adjacent so they used to be together for lab projects and after that for combined studies. As predicted by most of their friends; they immediately had fallen in love with each other.

Things were dream like and excellent during the entire course and they were trying very hard to get their admission for post graduation in the same college. Unfortunately it could not happen and not only they got themselves registered into different colleges but in different cities as well.

Everything changed, the time they used to spend together, the feelings they need to share, the library where they used to spend most of their time, everything changed. Still unlike the myth, they were quite successful in maintaining the long term relationship. When the guys used to tease him, she will fall for some other guy, in professional post grad course, its quite common, so, don’t count on her anymore and find someone else for you here - he used to proudly say, if anyone is going to leave the other person, its going to be me, not her. She can never do that to me. She is too weak to do that.

She was so happy - she got a big award for a competition in her college and she wanted him to be the first person to know about it. She called him up; a girl picked the phone.

Girl: Hello
She: Ah! Hi.....May I know who is this?
Girl: May I know who are you; you called up at my boyfriend's mobile asking me who am I?
She: What??? Ah...mmm...okay! May I talk to him
Girl: Not until you are telling me your name
She: Well....I dont think I have called on your cell so I am not liable to tell you my name. I have called up at a friend's mobile and it would be nice if you let him know about the call.
Girl: What if? I dont
She: In that case, I will call some other time

As she moved out of PCO; her legs were trembling, she was not able to walk properly. She didnt know where to go. Who was she? Why he never told me about her. What's going on?

She called again and this time he picked up apologizing for the entire episode saying the girl is a freak and after him and he is not at all interested in her. She just flicked his cell and was bullshitting with every one who was calling. She believed him.

It was too hard to live without seeing each other so she went to visit him in his city. There were way too many SMSes he was receiving even from a big businessman standard when they met. She demanded to see his mobile. It was a girl with lovey dovey romantic messages. She asked him, who is she? He convinced her, she is the girlfriend of his friend and all the messages are for him, he reads them from my mobile. The guy cant afford a mobile like you and so I am helping him out. She believed him.

He called her one day saying that he is leaving for his friend's wedding and wont call her for couple of days as it is too expensive to call on roaming. She waited restlessly for 3 days until she received a call; not from him; but from a girl saying - you know what! I had an amazing time with your guy, he is so much of fun! "Those were the golden days of my life". Thanks for sparing him for me for 3 days. Have fun! Bye.

She immediately ran out of her hostel and called up at his cell telling him the entire episode. He said he didn’t know what she is talking about. He was in a wedding if she wants, he can make his friend call her to prove that he was in a wedding and the call she received was nothing more than a hoax. She believed him.

It was the biggest day of her life; she finally got what she was dreaming for all this while. Her dream job!!
She was on sky 9 and wanted him to be the first person to know about it. She opened his inbox to write a mail from him to him to give him the news as a surprise. It was very easy for her to get his password. She was super excited without knowing that there is a surprise waiting for her this time. The inbox was full of romantic mail exchanges with the promise of wedding. He was talking to someone and her family about the potential dates and time of his wedding with someone.

She was too shocked to react. She didn’t say a word and came out of her computer lab; rushed for the closest PCO and called him up. Only thing she could say was, “I am leaving you”. I am moving to a different city to start my career and that’s going to be my focus for sometime in my life. I have taken enough shit from you and I believe that’s it; I can’t take it any more, so, I am moving ahead in my life and would request you to do the same. She hanged the phone down.

She was feeling much better as if some burden is removed from her shoulder; a burden that she was carrying for the last 6 years. She was all determined and oozing with confidence to take the world in her stride. He was still wondering, “Why she left me??”

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lalu Rocks! - Truly

I could not stop myself from posting this. This is simply amazing. This is a lesson for all of us who don’t speak up in public thinking what others will think. I remember when I was in school; I used to wait for my teacher to ask the question directly to me rather volunteering to answer myself even after knowing very well that I know the answer. Common! I was a bright student; my school friends can vouch for that if it is that difficult to swallow ;)

This guy is simply amazed me by his confidence; everyone is laughing but that is not bothering him even a bit. He is having gala time delivering his speech. Kudos!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Kahaani Humaare Mahabharat Ki

I am very excited and eagerly waiting for this show which is starting from today at 9X. Visually, its look like a desi version of Movies likes Gladiator. Manish Malhotra has designed the costumes and the graphics are amazing. Given the fact that Ekta Kapoor's normal serials are also like Mahabharat only; I have high expectations from this one.

As per Ved Vyas, writer of the epic; if there is a character and incident present in Mahabharat it’s present in real life; if it is not present in Mahabharat, it’s not present in real life.

When B.R.Chopra made his Mahabharata, I was too small and have not seen the serial with this angle. This time I am surely going to analyze characters and incidents. I just hope the present one is not too far from the original one. Anyways, the promos are looking promising to me.

Friday, July 4, 2008


In 2011, a virus destroys 99% of earth's population. The movie started in a beautiful walled city survived on earth called Bregna after 400 years. As the movie is about future; there is a lot of scope of imagination which director has used beautifully. I found the buildings, roads, trains and dresses quite imaginative.

Charlize Theron played the title role of Aeonflux; an assassin from the group of rebels called 'Monicans' under the leadership of The Handler. The group's mission is finding out the reason behind the strange events of people disappearing suddenly. Aeon’s sister is also murdered for unknown reasons in the beginning of the movie.

Aeonflux and Sithandra (both assassin member of Monicans) got an assignment of killing the government's chairman Trevor Goodchild. For me, the most enjoyable scenes were the scene when they coup into the government’s building and later when they fight with each other following the Aeon refusal of killing Trevor.

Aeon got hold of Trevor in the building but something prevented her from killing him. Ultimately she discovered that she is a clone of Trevor’s late wife Cathryn and not only is she, the entire city populated by clones. The virus made people unfertile and to continue life on earth Trevor was recycling DNA of dying people and cloning them as new born babies. Trevor himself died and reborn 7 times in the movie.

There is a certain batch of people who were able to get their babies on their own. If the population increases and they lose control on who is getting clone from whom; they are running the risk of losing power, therefore, Trevor’s brother Oren was killing all the pregnant ladies in an attempt to stay in power. In fact, Aeon's sister was also killed because she was pregnant.

Aeon and Trevor fight against Oren and Handler together. Ultimately, Aeon managed to convince her friend Sithandra and Monicans to fight against Oren and his men against Handler’s wish.

Aeon also convinced Trevor that humans are meant to die and babies should be born naturally, otherwise, with every cloning their minds will be destroyed. Trevor allows her to destroy a constantly floating airship used to clone DNA.

Charlize Theron is a visual delight in the movie. She has performed all kind of stunts from jumping; running; slinking, diving, and gliding and she look gorgeous in the white gown while receiving her assignments.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Core

Director: Jon Amiel
Star Cast: Hilary Swank, Aaron Eckhart, Tchéky Karyo, Stanley Tucci, Delroy Lindo, DJ Qualls, Bruce Greenwood, Alfre Woodard, Nicole Leroux

The movie starts with some strange incidents happening all around the world like 32 people dying suddenly due to pacemaker in Boston; thousands of pigeon suddenly lose control and created havoc in London. As an analysis of all these incidents, a geophysicist professor predicts that The Earth's magnetic field is collapsing because the outer core of earth has stopped rotating due to some reasons unknown in the beginning. Since, the field is what's protecting us from deadly cosmic rays and microwave radiation from space, so life on earth will be finished in a year or may be sooner.

At the outset the movie looks goofy and there are many controversies regarding the scientific concepts used in the movie but I don’t want to comment on them as I am no expert myself. As a movie; I found it entertaining and attention grasping.

The special effects used are as good as any other sci-fi movie. I like them better in Day after Tomorrow. There was hardly any scope of emotional bonding or humor amongst the team of five (2 scientists, a weapon expert, a professor and 2 NASA astronauts) but it has been weaved in quite brilliantly during their visit to The Core. There is not much of an action; mostly graphics and special effects are used for the thrill and excitement.

They used a sonic boring device and a remarkable material "Unobtainium"- name given by the scientist to his compound made of 37 materials to construct a Ship, Virgil, for taking the team into the core. As predicted, they met with some difficulties in their journey to save the world by starting to rotate the core again by blasting some nuclear bombs in the molten metal thereby giving it energy for rotation.

I was interested and involved throughout the movie to know what’s next. The only annoying things was the director has been too kind to his characters and no suspense was lasted for long; for everything they found the solution in practically 2 min, thus, the excitement was lacking.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


She was pretty, intelligent, rich and influential.
He was a regular guy – just a regular guy!

They met first time in the induction session of their management program and felt immediately attracted to each other. He thought she is some princess and she was too happy to get so much attention especially when she was feeling little low being outside home for the first time.

They became friends immediately and decided to take their places nearby so that they can study together and go for dinner together but later they realized they just love each other’s company and it does not make any sense to live separately so they moved into a new and big apartment together. They were practically together all the time – same college; same canteen; same house; same gym; same hang out places and common friends – there was no reason for doing anything individually. It was perfect life for him and she was not missing any pampering that she is so used to from her childhood.

One day after college when they were generally chatting in the library like any other day – she broke the news that her fiancé is visiting her and she wants him to move to a friend’s place for couple of days along with his luggage.

He: What?
She: Yeah; he is coming from US just to meet me – ofcourse he is gonna stay with me and I am sure he wants my exclusive company so why don’t you just excuse me for some days.
He: You never told me that you are engaged
She: Well; you never asked me – I neither told you that I am not
He: How could you this to me – I thought you loved me
She: I never told you that – Have I? What makes you think that I love you
He: Is it not so obvious – whats there to tell me – we are practically together 24*7 – what else do you want me to assume?
She: See – when you ASSUME – you make an ass of you and me – OKAY! See- you are my best friend and I love your company and all that is fine but right now I want to spend some time with my fiancé and that’s all – no more discussions (No one argues with princess – why the hell he is reacting like that)
He: Then why the hell you lived with me?
She: You also lived with me – I mean we lived together – Big Deal – Who knows my fiancé also live someone else. I never questioned him. Anyways, I don’t want any more arguments – you just move – that’s all. See you next week. I am off to beach resort with him off the city for the rest of the week.
He: When he is coming?
She: Well; I am going to pick him up from the airport – we will directly go to beach resort from there; we will be back on Sunday – by that time I want you to be out of my house with all your stuff and yes you are most welcome to live again with me once he is gone.
He (almost in tears): You cant do this to me – it was a perfect world for me; everything was going on so fine – you just cant dump me like this….blah blah blah
She: Hello! I am not dumping you or something – I have made no promises to you neither I said that I love you – I am still maintaining my stance that you are my best friend and I love your company and that’s it. There was no commitment from my side neither there is going to be any. So you be happy – let me be happy!! Now I really have to rush – please remove your stuff before I come back

She left!

He: I cant believe what has just happened to me – she must be joking – this cant be true – how can she not tell me such a big thing about her when we have talked for hours about everything else in her. I know every detail about her; I can name all her cousins right away. Its simply not possible. He went home with a heavy heart to find that all his stuff was packed with the same message sticked on his bag that was conveyed to him sometime back. He thought let me not move from here; let her fiancé know everything about me – that’s the best way to take revenge.

Then he thought; no my love is true for her; so what if she doesn’t love me right now. I will make her love me someday for sure. This time I should support her and be at her side – that surely going to make some place for me in her heart. He picked all his stuff and moved into his friend’s place for a week.

He bumped into her and her fiancé at one of their regular hang out area. He was tall, handsome and rich. She introduced him as her class-mate (he sighed she could have atleast used friend). They quickly moved out of that place.

He (thinking): Its so evident in front of me still its so hard to believe; whatever my mind says; I am sure she is gonna come back to me only because that’s what my heart says and it will happen finally.
She (thinking): Thank GOD that fool didn’t open his mouth; let me not take my fiancé to my regular hang out places – high chances of bumping into him
Fiancé (thinking): I am so lucky to get such a nice girl. She is so true to me even after being so beautiful. I can trust her blindly even after being so far from her