Sunday, July 13, 2008


She called up and finally said – “I am leaving you”. I am moving to a different city to start my career and that’s going to be my focus for sometime in my life. I have taken enough shit from you and I believe that’s it; I can’t take it any more, so, I am moving ahead in my life and would request you to do the same. She hanged the phone down.

He was in tears; too shocked to say anything – it was impossible to believe that this is actually happening to him. He always thought if at all anyone is going to leave the other person – it’s going to be him. How can she dump me? I am the one who is rich, smart, only son of influential parents, with a handsome salary and a promising career. She is nobody. She is just out of college with a pathetic job with no money and experience. She doesn’t even know how to survive alone. Had I not been with her; she could have never even scored the marks she did. It’s not fair; it’s not happening. She is lucky to have me; she can’t dump me; only I can dump her and I did not because I am a good guy. Still, she dumped me?

They met in the college and become friends immediately. Both of them were studious and only aim in their life at that time was to score good marks. Reason enough for a deadly competition and ideally they should have been competitors, hiding their notes from each other. Fortunately, they decided to turn the situation other way round and became best of friends for exchanging notes and sharing assignments. Their role nos. was adjacent so they used to be together for lab projects and after that for combined studies. As predicted by most of their friends; they immediately had fallen in love with each other.

Things were dream like and excellent during the entire course and they were trying very hard to get their admission for post graduation in the same college. Unfortunately it could not happen and not only they got themselves registered into different colleges but in different cities as well.

Everything changed, the time they used to spend together, the feelings they need to share, the library where they used to spend most of their time, everything changed. Still unlike the myth, they were quite successful in maintaining the long term relationship. When the guys used to tease him, she will fall for some other guy, in professional post grad course, its quite common, so, don’t count on her anymore and find someone else for you here - he used to proudly say, if anyone is going to leave the other person, its going to be me, not her. She can never do that to me. She is too weak to do that.

She was so happy - she got a big award for a competition in her college and she wanted him to be the first person to know about it. She called him up; a girl picked the phone.

Girl: Hello
She: Ah! Hi.....May I know who is this?
Girl: May I know who are you; you called up at my boyfriend's mobile asking me who am I?
She: What??? Ah...mmm...okay! May I talk to him
Girl: Not until you are telling me your name
She: Well....I dont think I have called on your cell so I am not liable to tell you my name. I have called up at a friend's mobile and it would be nice if you let him know about the call.
Girl: What if? I dont
She: In that case, I will call some other time

As she moved out of PCO; her legs were trembling, she was not able to walk properly. She didnt know where to go. Who was she? Why he never told me about her. What's going on?

She called again and this time he picked up apologizing for the entire episode saying the girl is a freak and after him and he is not at all interested in her. She just flicked his cell and was bullshitting with every one who was calling. She believed him.

It was too hard to live without seeing each other so she went to visit him in his city. There were way too many SMSes he was receiving even from a big businessman standard when they met. She demanded to see his mobile. It was a girl with lovey dovey romantic messages. She asked him, who is she? He convinced her, she is the girlfriend of his friend and all the messages are for him, he reads them from my mobile. The guy cant afford a mobile like you and so I am helping him out. She believed him.

He called her one day saying that he is leaving for his friend's wedding and wont call her for couple of days as it is too expensive to call on roaming. She waited restlessly for 3 days until she received a call; not from him; but from a girl saying - you know what! I had an amazing time with your guy, he is so much of fun! "Those were the golden days of my life". Thanks for sparing him for me for 3 days. Have fun! Bye.

She immediately ran out of her hostel and called up at his cell telling him the entire episode. He said he didn’t know what she is talking about. He was in a wedding if she wants, he can make his friend call her to prove that he was in a wedding and the call she received was nothing more than a hoax. She believed him.

It was the biggest day of her life; she finally got what she was dreaming for all this while. Her dream job!!
She was on sky 9 and wanted him to be the first person to know about it. She opened his inbox to write a mail from him to him to give him the news as a surprise. It was very easy for her to get his password. She was super excited without knowing that there is a surprise waiting for her this time. The inbox was full of romantic mail exchanges with the promise of wedding. He was talking to someone and her family about the potential dates and time of his wedding with someone.

She was too shocked to react. She didn’t say a word and came out of her computer lab; rushed for the closest PCO and called him up. Only thing she could say was, “I am leaving you”. I am moving to a different city to start my career and that’s going to be my focus for sometime in my life. I have taken enough shit from you and I believe that’s it; I can’t take it any more, so, I am moving ahead in my life and would request you to do the same. She hanged the phone down.

She was feeling much better as if some burden is removed from her shoulder; a burden that she was carrying for the last 6 years. She was all determined and oozing with confidence to take the world in her stride. He was still wondering, “Why she left me??”


  1. 'Why?' is always a shit question because when someone ask ‘why?’ that means he or she wants to re-confirm what he/she perceived no matter whether it’s right or wrong.

    God ! that story was full of suspense and I bet it can influence rollover for Bollywood ;)

  2. LOL....yeah a movie can be made for sure...I am glad that I was able to maintain the suspense

  3. Weak should be strong enough to leave... :)
    This is so close to reality I cant tell you!
    BTW the girl didnt dump him she just left...guy dumped her long before she came to know actually..

    Good post...Keep it up.

  4. True - thats the point I wanted to make when I said, he is still......

    Thanks for your feedback! :)

  5. hmmm...intersestng post. jst tht cudnt undrstnd y wud he cry??? ny cas he waz buzy dating sum1 else, rite....??he he he.

  6. because his ego couldnt take it that she can be strong enough to leave him.....koi na bade hoke sab samajh aa jaaega ;)

  7. hmmm doesnt sound like a fiction....
    whoz "he" and whoz "she" .... still guessing...

    may be "he" can explain it better

  8. you are free to have your opinion...will put a disclaimer

  9. hey ... the story had been in my to-read list for a while now. glad that i read it finally :)

    good one shef ... really creative. luved the way u concieved both the characters

  10. Thanks Sandy - well; learning from you - you are the master :)

    Another story is ready - will publish it very soon!!

  11. cudnt find the new story u promised :)
