Tuesday, July 1, 2008


She was pretty, intelligent, rich and influential.
He was a regular guy – just a regular guy!

They met first time in the induction session of their management program and felt immediately attracted to each other. He thought she is some princess and she was too happy to get so much attention especially when she was feeling little low being outside home for the first time.

They became friends immediately and decided to take their places nearby so that they can study together and go for dinner together but later they realized they just love each other’s company and it does not make any sense to live separately so they moved into a new and big apartment together. They were practically together all the time – same college; same canteen; same house; same gym; same hang out places and common friends – there was no reason for doing anything individually. It was perfect life for him and she was not missing any pampering that she is so used to from her childhood.

One day after college when they were generally chatting in the library like any other day – she broke the news that her fiancé is visiting her and she wants him to move to a friend’s place for couple of days along with his luggage.

He: What?
She: Yeah; he is coming from US just to meet me – ofcourse he is gonna stay with me and I am sure he wants my exclusive company so why don’t you just excuse me for some days.
He: You never told me that you are engaged
She: Well; you never asked me – I neither told you that I am not
He: How could you this to me – I thought you loved me
She: I never told you that – Have I? What makes you think that I love you
He: Is it not so obvious – whats there to tell me – we are practically together 24*7 – what else do you want me to assume?
She: See – when you ASSUME – you make an ass of you and me – OKAY! See- you are my best friend and I love your company and all that is fine but right now I want to spend some time with my fiancé and that’s all – no more discussions (No one argues with princess – why the hell he is reacting like that)
He: Then why the hell you lived with me?
She: You also lived with me – I mean we lived together – Big Deal – Who knows my fiancé also live someone else. I never questioned him. Anyways, I don’t want any more arguments – you just move – that’s all. See you next week. I am off to beach resort with him off the city for the rest of the week.
He: When he is coming?
She: Well; I am going to pick him up from the airport – we will directly go to beach resort from there; we will be back on Sunday – by that time I want you to be out of my house with all your stuff and yes you are most welcome to live again with me once he is gone.
He (almost in tears): You cant do this to me – it was a perfect world for me; everything was going on so fine – you just cant dump me like this….blah blah blah
She: Hello! I am not dumping you or something – I have made no promises to you neither I said that I love you – I am still maintaining my stance that you are my best friend and I love your company and that’s it. There was no commitment from my side neither there is going to be any. So you be happy – let me be happy!! Now I really have to rush – please remove your stuff before I come back

She left!

He: I cant believe what has just happened to me – she must be joking – this cant be true – how can she not tell me such a big thing about her when we have talked for hours about everything else in her. I know every detail about her; I can name all her cousins right away. Its simply not possible. He went home with a heavy heart to find that all his stuff was packed with the same message sticked on his bag that was conveyed to him sometime back. He thought let me not move from here; let her fiancé know everything about me – that’s the best way to take revenge.

Then he thought; no my love is true for her; so what if she doesn’t love me right now. I will make her love me someday for sure. This time I should support her and be at her side – that surely going to make some place for me in her heart. He picked all his stuff and moved into his friend’s place for a week.

He bumped into her and her fiancé at one of their regular hang out area. He was tall, handsome and rich. She introduced him as her class-mate (he sighed she could have atleast used friend). They quickly moved out of that place.

He (thinking): Its so evident in front of me still its so hard to believe; whatever my mind says; I am sure she is gonna come back to me only because that’s what my heart says and it will happen finally.
She (thinking): Thank GOD that fool didn’t open his mouth; let me not take my fiancé to my regular hang out places – high chances of bumping into him
Fiancé (thinking): I am so lucky to get such a nice girl. She is so true to me even after being so beautiful. I can trust her blindly even after being so far from her


  1. Shefali, it is too good. If you ask me, you should really consider writing and I am sure you can make your mark..

  2. Thanks Praveen - friends like you keep me going!!
    Surely will write more :)

  3. Heyi Shefali.. u kno wt... i felt like reading my own story :) i'm surprised.. word to word... incident to incident.

  4. I am so surprized to learn that - its just a fiction that I have crafted....anyways...TC

  5. I know some girls become smatter :D but not always ;P

    I know some boys are fool but not always :P

    Hey, tell me did you get any calls from Shubhas Ghai ? or Mahesh Bhatt ? or or ... anybody ?

  6. LOL.....no man; they dont recognize talent as much as you do :P

  7. he he he ... didnt know that u were so brutal to throw out ur friends like this ;-)

    cool one ... and very realistic ... am sure its happened to a lot of guys :)

  8. very funny - its a fiction - not my story; there are couple of more to come :)

    Yeah even I am sure; that should be common story of not only guys but girls as well.

    I know a guy who has a fiance in some other city and having a full fledged affair here as well. Dont know where the world is going?

    Anyways - TC!! :)
