Saturday, January 24, 2009

Healthy Eating and Living - Part III

Continuing from my earlier post; here are some more points.

k) Try and eat before 8 pm in the evening. And dont sleep immediately. Wait at least 10 PM before you head to your bed.

l) One day in a week, do a detox for your system. Eat only fruits and vegetables (cooked is ok) the whole day and nothing else. Your taste will get sharper and your body will throw impurities.

m) Balance out your foods in a day. If you have had a heavy lunch, eat nothing but salad and yoghurt for your dinner. Or just some fruits. If you have had a heavy dinner, take a short walk after your meal.

n) Start walking for at least half an hour every day. Brisk walk. And slowly as you get fit increase to a slow jog effortlessly. Exercise in moderation is better than over doing it. A walk every day is much better than jogging twice a week.

o) As an experiment try eating smaller quantities for 2 days. Have exactly half of everything you would normally have.

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